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Drone Thermology

A Smart Solution for Fast and Effective Solar Plant Maintenance

Maximize solar plant efficiency: Instant insights, proactive maintenance, and cost-effective performance for optimal operation.

Feature Preview

Elevating Drone Solar Plant Inspection to New Heights

Discover the power of using advanced drone technology to inspect solar plants efficiently and thoroughly with FutrAudit. Our drone thermography or drone thermal camera provides highly accurate and affordable insights like never before.

Molecular-Level Precision:

Offers a 100% accurate view, eliminating manual measurements and ground-based inspections for comprehensive solar plant assessment.

Efficiency in Every Minute:

With a remarkable 10-minute per MW inspection time, we ensure swift thermal assessments, enhancing efficiency compared to traditional manual procedures.

Proactive Year-Round Maintenance:

Shift from reactive to preventative maintenance strategies, providing detailed data for informed decision-making and optimal solar plant performance.

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Operating System for Clean Energy.

Asset Management doesn’t need to be complex. Constantly switching between Remote Monitoring systems, Project Management software, Design software, Excel/Word, and Mail disrupts flow and creates data silos. 

Futr solves it by letting you focus on the end goal – success of your plants over its multi-decade lifecycle. Deep integrations. No data silos. 

remote System for Clean Energy

Remote Monitoring

Remotely access your asset data

system setting

CMMS Workflow Management

Streamline ops with SOPs & maintenace calendars

futr verified

Smart Module Cleaning

Automated cleaning based on soiling loss

system alarm

Smart Alerts

Pre-defined triggers and system generated alerts

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