Are you exploring which additional solar software solutions can be integrated into your business to enhance teamwork, efficiency, and scheduling? Is your current solar asset management software more of a hindrance than a help? We understand that selecting the right software tailored for the solar industry or similarly demanding sectors is challenging. The decision-making process doesn’t end with selection; the installation and subsequent organizational change can also be daunting.

If you’re considering transitioning to this facet of the business, continue reading to determine if your company is prepared to adopt solar project management software.

5 Signs Your Organization is Unprepared for Implementing Solar Project Management Software

Solar Project Management Software Implementation (Use this as blog banner image)

1. Executive Buy-in or Mandates are Absent in Your Organization

A lack of top-level management support is a key indicator that your business might not be ready to adopt new solar energy software. One of the fundamental issues to address during digital transformation is defining the pain points and objectives clearly. It’s crucial to justify the investment of time and resources in changing solar asset management software, adjusting processes, and training employees to meet these challenges. When the executive team appreciates the importance of solar software and drives the change, you are halfway toward successful digital transformation.

2. No Field Leaders to Encourage Adoption

FutrOS provides its solar project management software platform with a ‘field up’ approach to streamline central operations. Effective implementation of solar asset management software like FutrOS requires support from field teams. Securing buy-in from critical internal stakeholders can be challenging but is essential to ensure acceptance of the software among field members and crews. FutrOS’s solar project management software starts with project delivery at the field level and extends to organizational data sharing and capture, ensuring effective management information for the entire organization. The acceptance of field teams is crucial for this field-up approach.

Solar Software Implementation Process Steps

3. No resource Allocation to Implement and Oversee the System

If your company lacks an employee who can dedicate at least four hours per week to implement and manage solar energy software, it might indicate unpreparedness. The third sign is that you do not have a single employee who is willing and able to spend at least four hours per week implementing and managing FutrOS in the solar or renewable energy business. This is usually a project manager, operations manager, or the lead of the function being automated as he/she is expected to give input on your installation or service processes, review software configurations, and take part in system training.

Implementing change often takes time and energy; thus, FutrOS’s onboarding process entails pairing each client with a Customer Success Manager and Technical Project Manager to help set up your account. However, the company should have a dedicated liaison, specifically a technical one. Lack of this kind of resource may lead to deteriorated knowledge management in your organization in the future.

Project Management for Solar

4. Documented or Standardized Workflows are Absent

For solar project management and process automation, certain prerequisite systems should exist. Lack of standard operating procedures or written operational processes also points to the fact that you are not yet prepared for digital transformation. Otherwise, your team will be trying to figure out how FutrOS works while also building the workflows for several months of onboarding. As much as that can be done it will slow the onboarding and implementation process down quite dramatically in some cases increasing it up to threefold. Therefore, it is best to have well-documented workflows in place before one takes Futr’s solar project management tool. It’s advisable to have well-documented workflows in place before adopting solar asset management software.

5. The organization is integrating an all-inclusive platform

If your organization is not yet ready for solar asset management software, you might face challenges like a lack of a dedicated CRM, a fully integrated proposal design team, a capable field execution team, dispatch and scheduling team, accounting team, and a solar sales team. Overall, if your organization has not yet achieved readiness for solar project management software it will present the following signs: Lack of dedicated CRM, A fully integrated proposal design team, A capable field execution team, A capable dispatch and scheduling team, A capable accounting team, A capable solar sales team, An overweight focus on cutting costs Sometimes such platforms don’t exist or perform incredibly poorly compared to multiple dedicated tools. FutrOS supports the idea of cooperating with specialized software products using the best tools for every function your teams require. FutrOS embodies this by providing state-of-the-art solar project management functionality.
Since the ideal approach to follow the project is by using a PM tool aligned with field processes, not every company is willing to leap to implement this form of technology. If the management of an organization feels that they have been able to overcome the above challenges, feel free to contact us today to find out how FutrOS will revolutionize renewable power operations.


What is solar project management software?

Solar project management software helps streamline and manage various aspects of solar projects, from planning and scheduling to field operations and reporting.

How can solar asset management software benefit my business?

Solar asset management software improves efficiency, enhances teamwork, and provides better control over solar assets, leading to optimized performance and cost savings.

What should I consider before implementing solar software?

Consider factors like executive buy-in, field team support, resource allocation, standardized workflows, and integration capabilities before implementing solar energy software.

What is the role of solar energy software in project management?

Solar energy software helps in managing and optimizing the various components of solar projects, including scheduling, resource allocation, and performance monitoring.


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