Introducing FutrOS Self Onboarding – start your asset automation journey now. Start free trial→ 

360° visibility for every asset

From tables to dashboards, models to metrics and columns to glossaries, every data asset is a  first-class citizen in Futr with its own unique 360° view.

Data Preview

Get context by seeing your data

We know how important it is to actually see data, not just metadata, to get 360° context. That’s why Futr gives you a masked preview of all your tables.

Sample data preview

Get an overview of what the data in your columns actually looks

Automatically masked

Sensitive data is hashed, redacted, or multifield based on access policies.

Usage popularity

Access the most widely used tables.

Horizontal Tabs with Icons
Icon 1 Tab 1
Icon 2 Tab 2
Icon 3 Tab 3

Tab 1 Content

Tab 2 Content

Tab 3 Content


Now, a detailed comparison

How does Futr Stack up against Apollo Energy?




Digital Twin Mapping

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Digital twin mapping with serial no. of each equipment (including module)

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Digital (RTK) navigation of anomoilies till module level

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Asset Level Analytics

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Performance Ratio

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Temp. corrected PR

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Observed vs budgeted PR

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Inverter Efficiency

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Inverter PR

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Grid Availability

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Recovering missing data of inverter

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AC Power vs Irradiance

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Prevented CO2

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Spare Inventory tracking

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Inventory Demand Forecasting

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Warranty/Insurance Claim

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Mail tracking between O&M & developer

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Claims status dashboard

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Tracking History of each asset

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Actionable insight to optimize operations

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Optimization of cleaning schedule

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Platforms for Cleaning Frequency Forecasting and Generation Improvement

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Smart Alerts

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Major Highlights

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Portfolio level analysis

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Document management

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Tickets & work orders

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Automatic Alerts

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Executive Dashboard

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Maintenance Automation

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Drone Thermography Inspection

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IV Testing

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EL Testing

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Transmission Line Inspection

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Energy generation forecast

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Recovering missing data

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Integrate with popular dataloggers, SCADA

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Proprietary Logger – FutrLogger

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